Mint Novosti

Na jednom mestu nadjite

savete i trendove

u našoj industriji

Dva dana do zatvaranja sajma

Dva dana od početka sajma i isto do zatvaranja. Prvo poluvreme je bilo veoma uspešno, posebno kada se ima u vidu da prvi put predstavljamo naš proizvod na aquanale21. Imali smo uspešne sastanke sa bazenskim kompanijama iz Nemačke,...

Na sajmu nas je posetio

Mint Pools passed the first fair with which we started our European journey. I am very glad that I personally met Jürgen Bergmann there. It is always a great pleasure to talk to a man who is one of the most successful in this industry and we have been cooperating for…

Production and its quality

In the production process, we try to ensure that every layer of our products is made of the highest quality materials.
In this way, we achieved the highest quality of the product. It is important to mention that we protected the pools from osmosis using vinyl ester resin.

The First Mint L Premium Model

A reminder of the first Mint L Premium in cream color.
The swimming pool that started the popularity of this color, after which nothing is the same.
We assumed that the blue color would be the most popular, but the trend definitely made the cream color the favorite…

Unpredictable weather can't stop Mint installation process

At the end of construction season we are giving new opportunities to pool companies, so in addition to the closing of the built pools, we also expect the first phases of construction or even complete works…

Why Mint is not at Lyon this year?

We received a lot of questions about whether we are participating in this year’s Piscine Global Europe . We are,honestly sorry that we will not present the Mint Pools brand to our colleagues this year.

How we deal with customers feedback

In order to avoid phrases/end consumers feedback during the construction season such as “we don’t have time” or the end customer’s reaction to calls during the summer “they don’t have time or/you have an appointment” our partners must make a plans during the off season.

New blog post coming soon

Šta naš MINT kupac kaže…

Bazenska Mint kada pokazala se kao izdržljivo i pouzdano rešenje na mom privatnom imanju. Bazen napravljen od ovih materijala je idealan za one koji žele jednostavnu instalaciju na nepristupačnom terenu gde je potrebna brza reakcija i postavljanje.

Petar Radišić

Zamenik generalnog direktora i komercijalni direktor Energotehnike Južna Bačka

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